The leading cause of acute knee pain in patients over the age of 50 is gonarthrosis (deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint).The disease is characterized by rapid progression and can cause disability and inability to work, therefore, the timely detection of symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint and treatment of the disease, even at home, are the main tasks in examining patients at risk of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
What is osteoarthritis of the knee
The knee joint is one of the most mobile joints in the human skeleton, prone to injury and other mechanical damage. It connects the tibia and femur, as well as the larger sesamoid bone, located in the tendons of the quadriceps femoris (patella or patella). The surfaces of the joint are covered with cartilage tissue - a dense, elastic substance that surrounds the chondrocytes (oval-shaped cells formed by chondroblasts) and creates a protective shell around them and also acts as a shock absorber.
The composition of the cartilage contains collagen - a fibrillar protein, which is the main building block of connective fibers and provides strength and elasticity of the cartilage - and glucosamine. Glucosamine is a substance produced by cartilage. Glucosamine is part of the synovial fluid, a yellowish elastic mass that fills the joint cavity and acts as a lubricant. If the synthesis of glucosamine and proteoglycans is impaired, the amount of synovial fluid decreases, which leads to exposure of parts of the joint and the occurrence of severe pain, therefore the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the 1st degree always includes the use of chondroprotective drugs.
What happens to the joints with osteoarthritis:
- cartilage becomes soft and loose, and deep ulcerations appear on its surface;
- the synovial membrane thickens;
- the composition of the synovial fluid changes, its secretion decreases;
- there is a sprain of the ligaments and joint capsule;
- the joint cavity is filled with exudate, an inflammatory fluid released by blood vessels during a period of acute inflammation.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, osteoarthritis leads to complete deformation and destruction of the knee joint, while the patient may exhibit both unnatural mobility and complete immobility of the joint. To stop the process of destruction of the joint and cartilage surface in the case of diagnosed knee osteoarthritis, the doctor may suggest arthroplasty, a surgical operation to replace the damaged joint with an artificial prosthesis of adequate size.
The cost of primary knee arthroplasty varies by region and can range from $ 255 to $ 1465.
If there are indications, the operation can be performed according to the quota within the CHI program.
Classification and etiological factors
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint can be primary and secondary. Primary osteoarthritis is diagnosed in cases where it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the pathology. If the deformation of the cartilage was preceded by other diseases and pathologies, knee injuries, osteoarthritis is considered secondary, that is, it develops against the background of a primary disease.
The main causes of secondary osteoarthritis of the knee joints include:
- various dysplasias and other pathologies in which abnormal development and tissue formation occurs;
- neurodystrophic diseases of the lumbar or cervical spine;
- inflammation of the knee joint (arthritis);
- injuries and microtrauma of the joint;
- surgical removal of a damaged meniscus or part of it (meniscectomy);
- diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal disorders, in which the rate of metabolic reactions slows down, metabolism in the bone tissue is disturbed.
Primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint often develops in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, who regularly experience increased physical activity on the knee joint. Overweight patients, people over the age of 50, residents in environmentally unfavorable areas, patients with various types of toxic substance addictions (smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics) are also at increased risk of developing gonarthrosis.
Regular hypothermia can contribute to inflammation and further deformation of the knee joint, so people with a tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system are advised to observe the temperature regime and abandon the activities associated with prolonged exposure at low temperatures (working outdoors, in refrigerators and freezers, etc. ). d. ).
Women over 45 interested in how to treat osteoarthritis of the knee should know that a provoking factor in the development of the pathology can be the reduced synthesis of estrogen, which can occur after menopause and with some gynecological diseases: endometrial hyperplasia, uterine myoma, fibroadenoma , endometriosis. A negative factor is also the various diets that limit the intake of foods rich in minerals, vitamins and other elements necessary for joint health.
signs and symptoms
In order for the prognosis of later life to be as favorable as possible, it is important not only to know how to treat osteoarthritis of the knee, but also what symptoms the disease manifests. This is necessary for timely access to a specialist and early diagnosis of possible deformities and other injuries of the knee joint. At the initial stage, the pathology has rather poor symptoms, so it is possible to identify osteoarthritis of the knee of the 1st degree only after conducting hardware and instrumental diagnostics.
The first symptoms of the disease include:
- morning stiffness in the knee;
- pain when walking when walking more than 1-1. 5 km;
- knee pain with prolonged sitting (more than 2 hours in a row);
- pain in the knee joint after prolonged standing;
- knee pain occurring at the end of the day or in the first half of night sleep.
If the patient does not receive the necessary treatment at this stage, the disease will progress. To choose the right drug for osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic examinations (MRI, computed tomography, x-ray, etc. ) and determine the degree of deformation, the level of synovial fluid in the joint cavity, the density of cartilage tissue and synovial membrane. Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees 2 and 3 degrees are shown in the table below.
diagnostic sign | Osteoarthritis of the knee 2 degrees | Osteoarthritis of the knee 3 degrees |
Pain during night rest | It can appear when you change your body position or get out of bed. | It occurs without any movement. |
Possibility to use public transport (excluding low-floor buses) | The patient feels pain when climbing stairs, but with some restrictions can use public transport without assistance. | The patient cannot board the bus or tram on his own due to the limited mobility of the knee joint. |
lameness | Slightly expressed. | Lameness is strongly pronounced, additional supports (canes) are required for movement. |
Stiffness in the knee after waking up | It lasts less than 10-15 minutes. | It lasts about 20-30 minutes or more. |
Pain when walking | They occur after exceeding 800-1000 m. | They begin at the beginning of the movement and intensify after traveling a distance of less than 500m. |
Self-service skills | Usually saved. | The patient cannot perform a series of actions without external help. |
Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint at home
Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint can be carried out with the help of:
- medical methods;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- massage.
The use of traditional medicine recipes is possible only after consultation with the attending physician and should not replace the main treatment prescribed by a specialist.
The choice of drugs and methods of treatment depends not only on the age of the patient and his chronic diseases, but also on the stage of osteoarthritis and the degree of deformation of the cartilage and joint surfaces.
Osteoarthritis 1 degree
This is the mildest form of arthrosis, which in most cases can be cured with small drug corrections and additional measures: massage, physical therapy, physiotherapy. The most effective treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee, regardless of its stage, is laser therapy. This is the main method of physiotherapy, which gives quite good results in the initial stage of osteoarthritis.
Helps to achieve the following effect:
- the degree of inflammation in the joint cavity decreases;
- the intensity of pain decreases;
- the tissue regeneration process is stimulated;
- the need for the use of glucocorticosteroids and other drugs with serious side effects disappears.
As an alternative to laser therapy, your doctor can offer pulse magnetotherapy, acupuncture, electromyostimulation, and electrophoresis.
All these methods are quite effective in the treatment of arthrosis.with a degree of deformation not exceeding 20-25%, but the effectiveness of the treatment will be greater if combined with physiotherapy and massage exercises.
Orthopedists and surgeons note the positive effect of using water exercises aimed at developing muscle strength in the legs.
Patients with knee osteoarthritis of 1-2 degrees can be offered sanatorium treatment (during a period of stable remission), including mud therapy, warming up in a sauna, therapeutic baths. Overweight patients are prescribed a special diet, since obesity is one of the main factors in the development of osteoarthritis of the knees.

Osteoarthritis 2 degrees
Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree includes physiotherapy and massage (outside the acute period), special nutrition, physiotherapy exercises and medications. It is very important to reduce the load on the damaged joint: limit walking, avoid movements that require knee flexion. With rapidly progressive osteoarthritis, the use of special orthoses is indicated - orthopedic devices designed to repair the diseased joint and limit its mobility.
The drug treatment regimen may include the following drugs:
- chondroprotectors;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid;
- injections of glucocorticoid hormones.
The diet for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee should contain a sufficient amount of collagen-rich foods.
- products with gelling additives (gelatin, gelatin, gelatin, aspic);
- products with added pectin;
- fish fat.
Almost all fruits and berries contain essential amino acids and minerals to keep joints healthy and mobile, but these foods should be in diabetic patients.
Arthrosis 3 degrees
Treatment of 3rd degree osteoarthritis of the knee joint does not differ from the therapy used for 2nd degree osteoarthritis.
With its ineffectiveness and severe limitation of movements, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment with additional prosthetics of the damaged joint.
Folk methods
Before learning how to treat knee joints at home with alternative medicine recipes, you need to consult a doctor. The use of the methods listed below is allowed only for 1st degree osteoarthritis and in the initial stage of 2nd degree osteoarthritis.
Infusion of Nettle and Lemon
This infusion should be taken orally 20-30 minutes before meals. A single dose is 50-80ml.
To prepare the infusion it is necessary:
- Mix 100 g of dried or fresh nettle leaves with three peeled garlic heads;
- pass the mixture through a meat grinder;
- add 4 tablespoons of lemon juice;
- mix everything, add 250 ml of boiling water and cover;
- insist for 4 hours.
The duration of treatment in this way is at least 60 days. In the first week, the infusion should be taken 1 time a day, in the next 7-10 days - 2 times a day. From the third week of treatment, the number of doses should be increased to 3 times a day.
Honey ointment for the joints
This ointment helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain. The first result is noticed after a week of daily use, but to obtain a stable result it is necessary to apply it for 30-45 days.
To prepare the ointment, you need:
- melt 2 tablespoons of butter;
- mix the oil with two tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of 6% apple cider vinegar;
- Put the mixture in the refrigerator to harden.
Apply such an ointment on the knees 2-3 times a day (the last time - before going to bed).
Dandelion bath
For such a bath, tincture of dandelion roots is used. To prepare it, you need to mix 120 g of chopped dandelion roots with 150 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for a day. Before bathing, the contents of the container must be poured into the water and mixed. It is recommended to take such a bath 1-2 times a week. After the procedure, the pain in the knees decreases and the mobility of the joints is gradually restored. The effectiveness of the treatment will be greater if 150 g of sea salt enriched with iodine and bromine are added to the water.
- "Only the injections of hyaluronic acid helped me with osteoarthritis. A very good drug with a minimum of side effects and high efficiency. Now I almost no longer feel pain in my knees, even if before I could not even go down stairs without help ".
- "It seems to me that osteoarthritis of the knees is such a disease that nothing can cure it. You can ease the pain a little, but then it will come back anyway. During exacerbations, I am treated with ficus and Jerusalem artichoke. It doesn't help worse than pills, only that there is no damage to the heart and liver.
- "I was also diagnosed with 2nd degree osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The reason was, most likely, the excess weight (at that time I weighed more than 130 kg). A free diet was prescribed for treatment. of salt, chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory ointments and hormonal injections. I did everything according to the instructions: the arthrosis was completely gone.
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a serious pathology of the musculoskeletal system, subject to rapid progression. The treatment regimen should be selected by the attending physician after a complete diagnosis and identification of the degree of degenerative, dystrophic processes and deformation of the cartilage and joint surfaces. The prognosis of treatment depends on compliance with medical prescriptions and timely seeking medical assistance.